Live the Christmas season with love

Christmas season with love

Live the Christmas season with love

Live the Christmas season with love

December 12, 2022

One of the most anticipated times of the year is approaching, Christmas dates and all its traditions, customs and experiences have positioned it as a Favorite season among families. Meetings to live together, to visit relatives that you have not seen in a long time and the gifts become on the occasion of joy for his arrival. 

It is a time where it is worth strengthening the values ​​that help you live with others, take advantage of family gatherings and practice tolerance,  respect for diversity and patience towards those who do not think and feel just like you, so it also becomes learning for everyone. 

The little ones learn by meeting with their relatives, strengthen ties and they create a sense of belonging that makes them feel part of a group where They are backed and can trust when they need it. 

It is a good time to foster family unity by performing activities together, put the Chritsmas tree, decorate the house or cook dinner build self-esteem and confidence, in addition to learning to perform collaborative work, helping others and caring for them. 

Associating Christmas only with the purchase of toys or gifts that encourage consumerism and waste, take advantage of these moments precious to renew the joy, illusions and hope that if they are together things will be fine. Value the presence, company and fun that others give you more emotional satisfaction in the family.

While it is true that family gatherings do not always work out like you plan in peace and harmony, if you show all the disposition and strive to avoid conflicts, your evening will be more pleasant. Take a moment to calm down and breathe if you feel that the environment becomes heavy or is about have of conflict. Go for a walk or retire if the situation It has become unsustainable.

It is within you to seek peace and harmony, since it begins with yourself. Forgive who you need to forgive and remember with joy those who are not with you physically. Enjoy the here and now appreciating what you have and avoid to focus on the past or the things you didn't get, this will take away tranquility and will avoid being present in the moment.

In Hotel el Pueblito Sayulita we wish you wisdom and calm necessary to face the difficulties, that you enjoy the most with your loved ones these holidays and we appreciate your preference, allowing us spoil you another year.